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Mohsen Kiayee exclusive interview

In an exclusive interview with ifilm, Iranian actor Mohsen Kiayee tells us about the special role that he has experienced in “The Recluse”.

Mohsen Kiayee is one of those actors who succeeded to stabilize his position at the outset of his entrance to the world of cinema and television. People have always liked the roles that he plays.

Below is a rough translation of selected parts from the interview conducted by ifilm in Persian.

ifilm: These days ifilm is replaying “The Recluse” series in which you played a role. It seems that this role was both different from your other roles and had changed the atmosphere of the series a little because the series was a serious social work but your presence had added layers of comedy to the work.

Kiayee: From the beginning that I spoke for my attendance in this work and I began to read the screenplay, I was attracted to the role of “Barat Ali”. I thought that I could not receive such a role until the end of my artistic life. The role of “Barat Ali” as a person who is in struggle with himself over his seminary life and the condition that his fiancée had set for him is both attractive and special. Since playing role as clergyman or seminary student is in the category of special roles, any actor likes to experience it.

ifilm: Somewhere you had said that “Barat Ali” was one of my most laborious roles of these years. What was the difficulty with this role?

Kiayee: Well, before this I had not played the role of a seminary student. In “The Recluse” I wanted to wear a special clothing and mention a concern that could be the concern of at least two seminary students in our country. It was Important to nurture my role very well. To play the role of “Barat Ali” I did a lot of research and spoke with many clergymen. Even I went on a journey with one of these honorable clergymen to become more familiar with the differences of their personal and social life. I made a lot of effort to reflect their style of life in the role that I played. After doing these researches and after speaking with the clergymen I came to know that they are like us in their normal life but when they wear their clerical clothing and come out of their homes they act and behave in a different way because of the reverence of this cloth. I tried to reflect this style of life in the role that I played.

ifilm: Should your brother offer a role to you in his works?

Kiayee: No, in fact it is not so. The family relationship between my brother Mostafa and me has spread this skeptical view that I only play roles in the works of my brother and he offers roles to me for his works. I should say that this matter is absolutely wrong. I have academic degree in theater. I have acted in a lot of theater works. Of course remarks like this are not important for me because when people see my works they come to know that I have been able to do the job well.

ifilm: What have you been up to lately?

Kiayee: I write, I play and do whatever that I am able to do. Most recently I finished playing in “Astigmatic”. I like both the film and my role in it. Basically I do not play the role that I do not like. I hope that people also like my roles.

